'Cuddly, warm and fuzzy!'
The only such creature I know of that is all those things is a lion.
This board is an arena for debate, argument and discussion. There is room for everyone and we can skip the threads that don't appeal to us.
I have been involved in the big egotistical, intellectual debates on this board under my real identity. The truth is I got bored with debating the same old issues with some very bright people and some very ignorant people. My favourite posters have mostly left over the years.
There is also room for humour here. I have taken leave of myself and have re assumed a comical persona set up some years ago with the deliberate intention of having fun and encouraging people on the board to not take themselves or their beliefs so seriously. I also enjoying being a fictional character that allows me to be someone that I am not. You do realize that I am not really a Gladiator - don't you?
I personally like to see the big brains in earnest combat fighting to the death to defend and justify their intellectual property.
I have neither the time or inclination to 'go there' any more but I still like to be entertained. Like an emperor watching the Gladiators testing each others metal.
ad verecundiam
(Appeal to modesty in an argument)